AWS Certified Solutions Architect (Associate) Exam Journey and Tips — Part 2

5 min readMar 31, 2022
Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash


In Part-1 of this series, I started sharing my experience of preparing for AWS Certified Solutions Architect (associate) exam.

If you are new to this topic, I will suggest you to first check the previous post and then the continuation in this part will be easier to follow.

We will continue with preparation area and I will share few learning and exam tips along the way.

Exam Preparation Cont’d.

Continuing from previous post, I will first talk about the AWS official Exam page for the certification which You can visit on this link.

This page contains important information to help with the following concerns:

  • Who should take this exam?
  • What does it take to earn this certification?
  • Prepare for exam

All the things you need to know about this certificate are in this one place. Easy to find and very useful for exam preparation:




Software Solutions Team Lead | Cloud Architect | Solutions Architect