React.js Basics — Part 2 (for starters and Angular Developers)

5 min readFeb 25, 2022
Photo by Ferenc Almasi on Unsplash


In previous post on this topic, we started with the basics of React.js .

We learned that, React is a JavaScript library to create and compose components. Writing a react app is creating components and putting them together.

Each component has a name and three distinct characteristics:

  • Props: Component can accept input from other components by using props. In JSX, these are written like HTML attributes.
  • State: Components can maintain an internal state.
  • Render: Component knows how to render itself.

We also learned that we can use create-react-app tool to setup a bootstrapper application. However, for our demo purposes, I am going to setup a basic environment without that tool.

Setting up Application Shell

I’ve setup a git repository with some packages installed like bootstrap, parceljs, react, react-dom etc.

Here is the initial structure looks like:




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