Angular — Transform Data with Pipes

3 min readJun 17, 2023
Photo by Samuel Sianipar on Unsplash


We use pipe for transforming bound properties before displaying them in a view.

Angular provides us with few built-in pipes e.g. date, number, decimal, percent, currency, json etc.

This time, we want to build our own custom pipe.

Use Case

Build a custom pipe which replaces ‘-’ character with a space ‘ ‘.

It could be a product-code e.g. “prod-1, prod-2” or similar data where we want to perform transformation before displaying it.


We could build a custom pipe to replace dashes with spaces.

But let’s build a more generalized custom pipe, that transforms any specified character in a string to a space.

Pipe Structure

Following is the Skelton for our custom pipe . It has a Pipe decorator with a name property. Inside the pipe there is a transform function.

We write code in this transform method to transform a value and return it.




Software Solutions Team Lead | Cloud Architect | Solutions Architect